Every year I say to myself - "Hey I should really go to.." (insert annual city event here). This year I made the commitment to check out the Roncesvalles Polish Festival and dragged down some friends to join in the fun.
After successful parking on a cramped one way street we unloaded onto Roncesvalles for a day of sunshine, pierogi (THAT is how to spell it) and $6 Polish beer.
Love introducing friends to Polish treats such as ponczki and rurki z bita smietana. Describing the rurki as a waffle tube filled with whipped cream deliciousness was effective.
Nom nom!
We saw an Aussie street performer entertaining a decently-sized crowd so we stopped. He climbed up on top of a large pole and demanded to be called a pygmy genie. Then asked to write complaints on $5 and $10 bills. Sweet.
Another lovely day in the city<3
Celebrating Polish-ness
Beginnings of an Internet cat
So two weeks ago I got a sweet little orange kitten (who now terrorizes my toes and shoes). I figure in this day and age everything you experience in life, you must share with others via the Internet. Therefore, I would like to introduce Theodore to the interwebs.
Name: Theodore (nicknames Theo, Pancakes, or Cattus Interruptus)
Birthday: July 1, 2011
Breed: Orange tabby
Likes: boxes, bags, shoes, toes, fingers, rolling highlighters across the floor and losing them under the door
Dislikes: the scary outdoors, water, vacuum cleaner
Theo has already displayed a keen interest in social media and therefore it is only natural for him to get his own blog post. :) I'm also 'training' to appreciate boxes to the full extent, think Maru and you will understand my joy.
This is my first ever kitty so we are learning together. I must say I have a new appreciation for motherhood, especially the first night when he literally meowed all night and nothing would appease him. He's like a furry little meowing child. Happy to say that ended quickly. However, now he sleeps on my head.
And if you're not a cat person - you should be! Let the Oatmeal tell you why cats are awesome.
Until next time.. meow meow.
A change is coming..
So I've realized that I have abandoned my blog for quite a while and I have the best intentions to revive it and revamp it. The revamping is already a working progress with a new layout, now it's the content to ponder. There are more changes to come.
Stay tuned!